Saturday, August 30, 2008

Raging Waters

This past June, we got Raging Waters tickets from Rina, for only $10 per person through Jet Blue. It was so dang cold that day (a high of 65), that as we entered the park (open only to Jet Blue employees and their family members) they gave each of us another ticket to come back at any time during the season. We put it off and put it off, trying to find a time that all of us could all go back together, but our schedules never worked out. Pretty soon, we realized that we had run out of weekends to use them, so this being the last weekend open, we finally used them! It was perfect weather too. It was forcasted to be a high of 100 degrees - perfect for swimming, but tomorrow a cold front is coming in and the temp will drop to 83, with rain. The next day, which just happens to be Labor Day, the high is only 63, with the first snow fall in the higher elevations!! Is that crazy or what??!?!?! A temperature drop of 37 degrees in just 2 days! Typical Utah weather!

Last time we went, the kids spent most of their time in the wave pool. They literally spent hours riding the waves and had a great time! It is so fun when those waves roll you up and down the water. My poor kids paid the price after we got home......they all got motion sick and were throwing up. Same thing happens when we go boating! They're fine during the activity, but once they get on solid ground, the sickness sets in. We have learned to give them dramamine before hand, but it isn't always effective. At least it lessens the severity.

There was a fun kiddie area that the little ones could play in without us having to worry about their safety in the water. It was so nice to just let them play. Even the big kids had fun in the kiddie area! Here are a few of the pictures I took.....and just in case you didn't already know, you can double click on the pictures to see them enlarged.

The kids seemed to enjoy the lazy river, but quickly go bored with it, so with a little convincing, me and Heather finally got them to try the water slides. Initially, we took Emmy and Michael. The whole way up Em kept talking about the butterflies in her stomach and how scared she was to go down the slide, but half of her fear was climbing so high on the stairs and looking down at the ground! I was really worried that she'd get to the top and chicken out, so I told her once she was up, there was no turning back. I helped her sit in her tube and kept saying, "this is scary, this is scary, this is..........." and then I pushed her down the slide! She screamed at the top of her lungs!!! Then it was my turn....oh boy....I wasn't scared, but as I rounded one of the corners, I tipped too far and fell out of my tube. I got a face full of water and quickly realized that my shirt was over the top of my head! Talk about HUMILIATING!!!! I don't wear a regular swimming suit. I wear men's swim trunks with a tank top....and I just leave my bra on. So.....although I didn't completely flash everyone watching, it was bad enough! The first thing Emmy said to me at the bottom was, "Let's go again! That was sooooooo FUN!!!" I wasn't about to do it again, but Emmy and Michael went up and me and Heather went to find Austin and Todd to get them to go. They had so much fun, but unfortunately, by the time they discovered how much fun the slides were, it was time to go.

We had a GREAT time splashing and playing in the water all day long. The kids LOVE spending time with their cousins and look forward to anything they can do together. We missed those who couldn't go today, but hope that we can all get together again really soon! Actually, we're hoping to go crawdad fishing tomorrow for Labor Day, but it's supposed to be cold and rainy. If weather is indeed bad enough that we can't go, we'll just do a barbecue instead.

1 comment:

Rachey-Foo said...

how fun! looks like they had a great summer day! can you believe summer is done already? that was FAST!