Todd is an official 8th grader today. I think the shock of having to get up so early is going to take some getting used to, but I think he's ready to be back in school. I sat with him on the couch as he waited for his friends to come pick him up, trying SO HARD not to let the dam of tears break. I'm sure he probably heard my voice crack a time or two as we talked, but I managed to hold back the tears until he was out the door and I was sitting alone on the couch watching him walk down the sidewalk. He wasn't the least bit nervous, so why is it that I was the one with butterflies in my stomach?
I love the sleepy face that he has in this picture. His body was completely protesting to being awake so early....and it was actually a bit nippy outside. We both went inside shivering. HOLY COW.....fall is just around the corner!!