Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Day Of School 2009....AGAIN!

Todd and Landon finally had their first day of school yesterday! It was quite the day for me, I tell ya what!!! I don't know why, but sending my kids to school has never been an easy thing for me to do. And yesterday, I got DOUBLE WHAMMIED!!! I had to send my very nervous Todd to his first day of Jr. High, and then I had to send my baby to kindergarten.

I wanted so bad to take Todd by the hand and be with him, to comfort and console him, and to reassure him that it would be OK. Could you imagine the humiliation for that poor boy if I actually did that! Not that I could have done it, but I really wanted to. He was so nervous that he wouldn't be able to find his classes....even though we did several practice runs last week. I gave him a big hug and sent him on his way with his friends, Sean and Travis. Luckily I was able to hide my tears from him, but the dam broke as I watched him disappear down the street. I was nervous for him :) I'm finding it very hard to detach a little and let him do this on his own, but do it, I must. I've got to let him have this independence, but it's coming with some growing pains for me that I didn't expect. What can I say, I don't want him to grow up!!!!

I had enough time to recover from the tears that fell when I sent Todd off and then it was time to take Landon. At least I COULD take him by the hand and walk him across the street to the school. I could even hug him and kiss him!! And yes, I cried! Like a baby! The great thing is that I had lots of support! Three of our neighbors were there, doing the same thing I was! Landon was so happy that he has friends he knows in his class. It helped ease some of the nervousness he was feeling. Last week during his testing session, his teacher gave him a bracelet that said "BE BRAVE". She told him to wear it the first day so he would remember that being brave would be his first job in kindergarten. Especially because mom would probably cry. Yea, she knows me! She taught Todd, Emily and Dylan as well. As the kids al lined up to walk into the school, one of the parents noticed that the class was mostly boys. Mrs. Lauritzen (the teacher) turned around and told us that there are only 3 girls in the whole class....and 18 boys!!! WOW!

So here are the pictures I took. I have LOTS of Landon - because I could. Todd, on the other hand, well, only two. My very favorite one of Landon is the one where he's showing me his BE BRAVE bracelet. It absolutely MELTS my heart....and makes me cry!!!!

1 comment:

Ronna said...

Jennie -- I love this! What milestones. You know why you cry? Cause you love your kids and want them to be safe and successful and you have a soft and compassionate heart! I would get them there.....have a few tears in my eyes and come home and do the happy dance! Is that bad? Anyway -- I loved hearing about their days and watching them grow and so do you. I think it's so hard to offer the independence and then follow through. That's been my hardest job as a mom -- preparing them and teaching them -- and then letting them go off and conquer. It hurts to watch them grow and sometimes fail, but grow all the same! You're doing a great job! So now I want to know ---- how did Todd and Landon like their first day of a new adventure? And (besides watching kiddos) what did you do with yourself all day?