Wednesday, August 5, 2009

14 AMAZING years!!!

Today, August 5, 2009, I am celebrating 14 AMAZING years of marriage to my best friend, my soul mate. Chris, you are my EVERYTHING. I am so blessed to have you. I could not have wished for a better husband and father. I truly appreciate all you do for us, for your hard work and dedication to provide such a wonderful life. All my dreams came true when our paths crossed. It's been an amazing journey! I'm so glad I had you by my side, holding my hand and supporting me through the ups.....and the downs. Neither one of can ever deny that we were meant to be and that is the BEST security one could ever have! Let me share a story with all who read this.........
While we were dating, Chris and I, on more than one occasion, felt the spirit testify that we were on the right road. There was one night that Chris pulled out a bunch of slides that had just collected dust in the basement since his parent's divorce. We set up the screen and started looking at the pictures on the slides. I will NEVER forget that we were eating Bagel Bites and just having casual conversation about family and how important it was to each of us. He was telling me about each picture and talking about random things in the pictures….nothing too intense. I specifically remember that we were looking at a picture of Chris, as a young boy, gathered around the table with his family for Thanksgiving dinner, when out of nowhere, the room was filled with the sweetest spirit I have ever felt. Not knowing whether or not Chris was feeling what I was feeling, I didn’t dare look at him as my eyes began to fill with tears and my heart started to swell with so much love and joy. I realized in that instant that he had quit talking. Our eyes met and he said in a soft, cracking whisper, “Do you feel that?” At that point, the dam broke and the tears fell. All I could do was nod my head. Once we were able to regain our composure, we talked some more and we KNEW, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that our decision to be married and start a family was the right choice. Not once did we pray to ask if it was right. We didn’t have to. We just knew because of the awesome things that were manifested to us through the Holy Ghost. Although we had several other experiences similar to that, the one I have shared is the one that truly solidified our decision. Our experiences were so UNDENIABLE that there was NEVER a question or a doubt in our minds or hearts.

The rest is history.............still in the making :)


Heather said...

Why did you have to do that?? Now you've got me crying!! I am soooo happy for you. The Lord has TRUELY blessed all of us! I love you and your family TO DEATH!! How fortunate are we that the Lord brought Chris into our family. I am so glad that we can all be close, have our kids be so close, and have the strong family unit we have. I am so proud to call you my sister, and friend. I look up to you so much. You have a strong testimony and have sustained me so many times through my life struggles. Thanks for all you do and for being such a good sister. I love you!

RINA :) said...

That is an amazing story. You guys are lucky to have each other. I admire you both so much. Love you guys!

Erica Williams said...

Aaahh....cute story! I hope the two of you have a wonderful anniversary.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!! What an amazing story. Thank you so much for sharing it! I love you guys!