Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hoedown Throwdown!!!!

It's no secret that Emmy LOOOOOOVES Miley Cyrus. We've been anticipating the soundtrack to her new movie, so when it was released on Monday, we listened to it. I heard Hoedown Throwdown and just knew it was a line dance. So I went on You Tube to watch the music video, and sure enough...I was right. Me and Emmy have had SO MUCH FUN learning it!!!! We mess up and laugh our butts off. Then we work really hard and get all excited and celebrate when we actually get through it with minimal or no mistakes!! After our photo shoot fiasco a few weekends ago, this has been some AWESOME bonding time. Gee, if I keep this up, I just might be able to shed some of this weight I put on with the prednisone...and having FUN doing it!! That's an exciting thought :) If any of you are brave can find step by step instructions on You Tube! We learned it in just a couple of hours. HAVE FUN Y'ALL!!!! C'MON....I know you want to ;)


Ronna said...

Looks like tons of fun Jen -- just don't know if I could get it.....why don't you and Emmy come teach it to me? I'll buy the soundtrack.....

hermansenhello said...

I think you ought to tape a video of you and Emmy doing it....then post that on your blog!

Jen said...

Funny, Debbie, real funny!! I think I'll spare you all the horrific jiggle that happens when I'm actually doing it!! I PROMISE that's not something you want to see ;)