Friday, December 5, 2008

Todd is 12!!

This past week has been so CRAZY and BUSY! I seem to say that a lot now days, but it's true. I'm jumping for joy that it's Friday and I can have a few days of family time.

My sweet, kind, loving, handsome Todd turned 12 last Saturday! He is such a joy in our family. From the day he was born, he's brought such a special spirit into our home. I will never forget the day we brought him home from the hospital. The spirit was so palpable, like nothing I'd ever felt before. Chris looked at me and said, "So this is what true happiness feels like." I have never forgotten that. It was such a tender moment in time.
Todd was born in Seoul, South Korea. I tell ya what, that was an outrageous experience. If you're ever interested in hearing the story, ask me, it's too long to write here. If you've been reading my blog, you will have read the "Korea" entry already. So I won't bore you with it again. If you haven't read it, go find it!
It's been an AMAZING 12 years with our Toddy Bear. I've had the priviledge of watching him grow and mature into a fine young man. He has made so much spiritual growth over the past year. I'm amazed at his knowledge of the gospel and his recognition of the spirit at such a tender age.
It all started a little more than a year ago when My parents were preparing to go on a mission. My dad called me and asked if I thought Todd would sing (with his cousin Austin, who is the same age) at his farewell. I kinda chuckled and told my dad I'd ask, not really thinking he would. Todd has always been a quiet, shy kid. I honestly couldn't see him getting up in front of a congregation and singing. But I talked to him about and told him how much it would mean to grandma and grandpa if he'd do this. He reluctantly agreed, only if Austin would for sure participate. It was neat to see them find courage in each other to do this. They practiced and practiced the song my dad requested, which was "Bring The World His Truth" aka "Army of Heleman". I could hardly listen to them sing without getting teary - but would you expect anything less from me? I don't think so. Everything makes me cry!

On November 28, 2007, Todd and Austin were the first to sing after the sacrament had been administered. Thankfully, it was planned that way so the boys wouldn't have to sit through the talks and be nervous the whole hour! They got up and sang that song with so much ferver and confidence that there ws not a dry eye in that congregation....especially not mine. I think I cried a river :)

Just a couple of months after that experience, I was in the kitchen making dinner one night and Todd came in. He started talking to me about how whenever he thinks about that song or hears it, he gets this really happy feeling inside that makes him want to cry. He was a little confused about what he was feeling. I told him that he was feeling the Holy Ghost and explained to him that he was crying happy tears. A light bulb turned on and he said, "Oooooooh, so that's why people cry when they bear their testimony! It's not because they're sad." The conversation went on for a little while longer and I was so grateful for the opportunity I had to talk to him about the Holy Ghost. About an hour or so later, as we were sitting around the table for dinner, I noticed that Todd's eyes were welling up with tears. He held it back pretty good, but finally had to get up and go to the bathroom. He was gone for quite some time and not knowing what was going on, Chris was getting impatient, wanting him to come finish his dinner. I didn't want him to be yanked out of his spiritual moment, so I told Chris about our conversation and what Todd was feeling. Sure enough, when Todd finally emerged, his eyes were red and swollen. I didn't say anything to him. I just smiled. Now he's just like me and can't hear that song without crying.

I also wrote about in a previous post ("On A Mission"), about Todd being impacted by his big brother preparing for his mission. As a parent, it's an amazing thing to watch your children grow in the gospel. All of those Sunday's, when I had restless, noisy kids and thought, "Why am I even here?" finally have meaning. This is my payoff!! And a rich one it has been so far!! I am so blessed!
I love you so much, Toddy! You have always been such a good boy. You are so kind to those around you. You'll never know how much that means to your friends and even their parents. People really do notice. I am so proud that you stand tall and aren't afraid to be yourself, to lead by example, to be respectful and to love unconditionally. I am so PROUD and truly BLESSED to be your mother.


RINA :) said...

Happy Birthday Todd! I can't believe how grown up you're getting. I remember when you were just what...5 years old? I remember meeting you for the first time and being star struck by you because you looked so much like Harry Potter! LOL You're such a handsome young man and a good boy!

Love you so much,
Aunty Rina

Jen said...

hahaha...I didn't know you thought he looked like Harry Potter!!! I can see it, with the glasses ;)

Debbie said...

Wow, I can't believe he's 12, Jenny! I love the post you put together about him. You can really get a good idea of what kind of kid he is-an awesome one!

Erica Williams said...

Oh, what a great post! Happy Birthday Todd!

Rachey-Foo said...

aww, jenn, that was so sweet. it made me get teary too. he's such a good boy. :)