Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What To Do?

Remember this room?  We repainted it when Chelsea came to live with us from Florida in September of 2009.  I told her the walls were her canvas and we could paint it to suit her personality.  And so we did!

Well, it was only utilized for a short 4 months (after it was finished) as her bedroom, when she decided she needed to go home.  So it sat, unused for several months, just like this.

As the months passed, Meister began to work from home a lot and the need arose for a home office.  The solution was a no brainer, so in October, we turned this room into that home office.  With a million other projects on hand, I decided I wasn't going to repaint AGAIN.  Too much time and money I didn't really feel like spending at the moment.  So, we just moved things in.  And now it looks like this:

Yes, these pieces of furniture are waiting their turn to be refinished, but at least I had a place to utilize them until that happens!

Now, here starts my dilemma.  Meister wants to put another PC for the kids to use on the table in the picture right above.  I'm saying "NO WAY!!, we don't need a second PC."  So we've got this debate going on about why he thinks we do and why I think we don't.  I mean, one is enough, right?  PLUS he's got his laptop.  I say if he feels that we absolutely need another computer, that we buy a laptop that can go anywhere in the house and not on my pretty little table where it will mess up my decor.  He thinks the decor is useless and wants to utilize the office as an office, not as, as he put it, "A Better Homes and Gardens magazine cover".  Which, by the way, it's faaaar from!!  I do, however LOVE the table and painting I found at DI!!!  Anyway, WHAT DO I DO???  Do I keep fighting to keep the decor, or do I give in and let him put a second PC there?  I'm not a right fighter, but I really don't see the sense in another PC when a laptop would be so much more versatile!!!!!  Honestly, people, what's your opinion?  I need some advice.  Do I need to back off and find a new home for my awesome junk? 


Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

Hmmm. . . dang, girl! I feel your pain. We are the weirdos with 2 computers in this house, 'cause Jeff and I would seriously fight over it in the evening otherwise.

But, BUT I think your laptop idea is fabulous. So portable. . . so you, sitting at the kitchen table, blogging. . . ;)

Heather said...

I love having a laptop and would never go back to a desktop again. Go for the laptop!

Rachey-Foo said...

i loved having a laptop. but when the motherboard went out, we would've had to pay the same as a new computer. anyway, no more laptops for us. we have one PC in the home. BUT we both have iPhones which totally work as pcs. so, one works fine. we did have 2 pcs at one time and i loved it. it was easier for me to blog and not have to "wait my turn". hahaha. is there any way you could put the second pc in a stowaway desk. something that you could close when it's not in use? then you could keep the "decor" but it would still function for the rest of the family. ;)

chokro said...

it would be better for a laptop than a desktop. It is too big and messy. Also it may ruin your decoration to your house. Just give him another alternatives for that,

Ronna said...

Love the laptop idea -- BUT -- can see that if it's an office, why not use it as such.....we have both a laptop and a desktop -- Scott has a laptop and Sunny has a laptop.....

But remember this is the home with 3 27 inch TV's in one room -- one family TV -- on x-box TV -- and one TV with Kyle's dvd/vhs player and Wii. That way, we're all together! It's a little weird, I know, but consider the source...US....and it makes perfect sense.

I'd move that cute little table to a place where you can enjoy it -- and put a little table to set your new laptop on and then the kids can work in there too (or in the kitchen, etc).....

Love Jen -- whatever you do will be great!