Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I blinked...

...and November is gone.  WHAT.THE.HECK!!!!!

We had such a busy month that I just didn't have a whole lot of time to blog.  So here are the highlights of our month.

November 4:
Landon's Birthday!
We flew home from Florida on Landon's birthday this year. For some reason, this birthday of his has hit me really hard. I'm having a hard time dealing with the fact that my BABY is 7, and not so much a baby anymore.

Landon's Favorites 2010
Color:  Green
Food:  Curry Chicken
Movie:  How to Train Your Dragon and Toy Story 3
Treat: Crunch and Kit Kat
Toy:  All of his space toys and rockets
Subject:  Art 
Music/Album:  Apollo 13 Soundtrack

November 19:
Chris' Homecoming!

Holy cow, that was a FAST two years!!  We are so grateful to his mission president for allowing him to take a 4 day detour to Utah to see us before he flew home to Florida to be released as a missionary.  Words cannot express the emotion I felt as I watched and listened to how much this young man has grown.  He has definitely made his parents proud!  (for any of you who might not know, Chris is my stepson.  I also have a stepdaughter, Chelsea.  But I don't put those labels on either one of them.  I love them like they're my own. <3)

November 29:
Todd's Birthday!

Again, here I am, wondering how in the world my first born is 14 already!!  I can scarcely believe it.  It was just yesterday that we were living in Korea, expecting his arrival.  WHAT HAPPENED?  SERIOUSLY!!

Todd and I had a fun conversation in the car tonight as we ran errands together.  He started telling me about how when he was little, he thought the purpose of traffic lights was to give your car a rest.  And he was baffled at how your car knew when to stop and when to go.  He also told me about how, as a very young boy, he used to go out into the street, when no cars were coming, of course, to the manhole that's about 4 feet from our driveway.  He told me how it freaked him out as he thought, "WOW!  I'm so far away from the driveway.  I probably shouldn't be out this far."  And then one day he got brave enough to go to the smaller manhole that's about a foot or two away from the bigger one and really felt like he was out too far.  He was so afraid a car was going to come out of nowhere and hit him.  He just couldn't imagine crossing the street all the way.  It's probably a good thing I never saw him do that or he'd have been toast!  In the end, he realized that taking that risk was just too scary and that he felt safer in the driveway.  His experience gently reminded me of how important it is not to stray from that straight and narrow path that we've been given.  We might let go of that iron rod for a minute or two, but hopefully we grab ahold again and stay in the safety zone of what we have been taught.  Afterall, the things we teach our children are for their own safety and welfare.  And so it is with our Heavenly Father and us.
Todd's Favorites 2010
Color:  Blue
Food:  Curry Chicken
Movie:  Undecided
Book:  Hunger Games
Treat:  Fast Break
Toy:  Electric Guitar and Cello
Subject:  Orchestra
Song/Album:  Limelight by RUSH

  We had a great Thanksgiving this year, but for whatever reason, I wasn't in a picture taking mood that day.  I know I'll regret that someday.  I already do.  It's not like me not to take pictures.  I just wanted to enjoy the day with my family and my awesome in-laws!!  Hehehehehe..and then...I went to BLACK FRIDAY that night at midnight with my sister!!  That's ALWAYS a good time and has become a fun tradition for the 2 of us. 

1 comment:

RINA :) said...

Beautiful pics Jen! Love love love the updates, and happy belated birthday boys!