Monday, November 10, 2008


I've been tagged by Shonell! 4th picture in the 4th folder.....hmmmmm....let's go see what this will be......Ahhhh, yes. This is when we lived in Korea. We went to an old Korean Village with some friends. We could not go anywhere without Todd being oohed and ahhed over. There were times when we were so surrounded by people I couldn't move! With my long blonde hair and a baby with huge blue eyes, we felt like celebrities sometimes. People wanting to see and touch Todd and wanting pictures with us. Then they'd pluck a peice of my hair and take it with them. I don't know what that was all about, but it happened so often that it didn't freak me out. Luckily I was warned BEFORE we got to Korea that they would do that. Apparently they are very fond of blonde hair and blue eyes. Good times! I LOVE looking back on these pictures. Although hard at the time, it was an experience I'd NEVER trade!! Todd is hoping to go on his mission to the land where he was born. How cool would that be!! Just for are a few more pics from Korea. This next picture is from the same moment as the first one, just from a different perspective. The third one was from a different trip, bit I thought I'd include it, too.

1 comment:

RINA :) said...

It's good to see you had some good times/memories of Korea. Because the stories you've told me, freak me out!! LOL


P.S. You know me and my little researching behind had to snoop around google and see what is up with the whole blond hair and Koreans, right? Well nothing I came across was "good"...interesting.