Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fire Pit in the Backyard

Ahhhhhhh.....the cool air of fall is here. It was stormy and rainy today, but we weren't about to let a few rain drops stop us from using the fire pit tonight. The kids love to roast weenies over the fire and this is the PERFECT time of year to do it. There's something so cozy about being able to do it in your own backyard. It kinda feels like you're camping only you get to go inside if you get too cold, take a shower and sleep in your own bed! It's the best of both worlds ;)


Mike and Heather said...

I think Saturday night is fire pit night! We had one last night too and made s'mores :) Great minds think alike, eh? As good as the s'mores tasted,those hot dogs sure look yumm-o! Nothing like a fire cooked weenie, mmmmm.

The Green Family said...

We love the fire pit idea! Smores sound delicious and Chris's hot dog looks like it may have caught a flame in the fire. What a great way to make memories!