I made musubi tonight. I don't make it very often because it's made from stuff that's not so good for me to eat and I tend to want to eat it all -- by myself. ;) My sweet, sweet sister-in-law got me hooked on this Hawaiian staple. She even bought me a nifty musubi press so I could make my own. Apparently, Hawaiians eat A LOT of it. And I can see - well taste - why. Rina calls it my heroin....I was addicted from the very first bite. It's a sushi type of food that's made with SPAM instead of fish. I know, I know - SPAM?? That was my first thought too, but seriously, it is so YUMMY! I don't eat SPAM otherwise, but in musubi, I love it. I have some left if anyone wants to try some. But hurry fast because it won't last long!!!
New Mexico time!
3 weeks ago
...I don't know! Me and spam have a mutual dislike! Boyd loves it. I have to leave when he cooks it...
Wow! Look at you and your musubi press!! They look great, and I must admit, Spam doesn't look so bad that way!
I LOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEE Spam!!! I think I am the only person, but I am from the South! Fried Spam sandwiches, Spam Hash & eggs... Oh I could go on :0) I will have to get the recipe, it is kind of like sushi!?!?! xo
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